New Registration Information
There is no need to call to schedule lessons. Easily register your swimmer or swimmers and book all your lessons online with our instant booking platform.
It takes one step to see if there is a Sea Love Swim provider near you and once you're booked your contact information and schedule is shared directly with your swim lesson instructor.
Booking online will also automatically set up your client account so you can manage and book more lessons as needed.
Here are a few quick links if you need more information -
Swim Lesson Services Pricing Virtual Swim Course
Register a New Swimmer
How To Register And Book A New Sea Love Swimmer
Step 1 -
Select A Service
Click any booking button or visit
Select Your Swim Service (remember if your registering more than 1 swimmer to choose a Multiple Swimmer Session option)
Select Your Location. If this is your home or community pool, select My Location and enter your pool address. If you want to book at a partnered facility click on My Location for a drop down menu of our pool locations and select your desired location.
*don't mind the log in button if this is your first time walking through our system. This is just an easy access button to manage your lessons once you have registered your account.
- Click Search -

Instructors who provide your lesson service and are available in your area or facility location are listed.
Read our swim lesson instructor individual bio's and select your first choice instructor.
Narrow your search with the options listed on the right of the screen and then select your preferred instructor.
- Click Book -

Select the swim package you would like to purchase. ​
- Click Next -

Step 2 -
Step 3 -
Step 4 -
Select Package
Select Instructor
View your selected instructors open availability and book your lessons.​
Booking Non-Recurring Lessons
This is how to schedule lessons on different days and times.
Select an available date from the calendar (the selected date will be highlighted)
Select an available time on that date from the drop down menu.
Scroll to the bottom and click that you have read our terms and conditions (please read this as it is our swim lesson waiver)
- Click Next -

The date and time you selected will now appear under the order summary.
Click Book Next Session and select a new date and time.
Repeat these steps until you have 0 sessions left to book.
Double check your order summary dates and times.
-Click Checkout -
*If you do not book all your sessions, you may still checkout and your remaining sessions will be credited to your account where you can sign in and book another session.
Booking Recurring Lessons
This is how to schedule lessons that recur each week on the same day and time.
Select an available date from the calendar (the selected date will be highlighted)
Select an available time on that date from the drop down menu.
Under the time selection TURN ON the toggle for Book Repeating Sessions.
Select the days of the week you would like your lesson to repeat on. They will be highlighted once you select them.
Scroll to the bottom and click that you have read our terms and conditions (please read this as it is our swim lesson waiver)
- Click Next -

The recurring bookings will now appear under the order summary.​​
Double check your order summary dates and times.
The system will only populate recurring appointments that are available. Alternate booking times or dates may be suggested and will be highlighted if they don't match your specified recurring day/time.
Use the trash icon to delete any appointments in your order summary that do not work with your schedule.
-Click Checkout -
*If you do not book all your sessions, you may still checkout and your remaining sessions will be credited to your account where you can sign in and book another session.

Step 5 -

Now that you have chosen your instructor and lesson dates/times, our system will prompt you to register your account.
Register your account. This sign in information will be what you use to manage your swim lessons.
- Click Create Account -
Register Your Account
Step 6 -
Confirm Email
Check and verify your email by entering the confirmation code sent to you
- Click Confirm Code -

Step 7 -
Enter Payment
Verify your order and enter your payment details.
- Click Pay -

Step 8 -
Final Confirmation
Finally you should receive a booking confirmation. Your account has been set up and an email verifying your lessons has been sent to the registered email address.
- Scroll Down -
On the confirmation page you can:
add these bookings to your calendar​
view your new Sea Love Swim account where you can manage and book more lessons
share your swim lesson provider calendar with a friend